Wednesday 22 February 2012

 Coursework Brief
Hello, my name is Sabrina...please find all of my AS Media Studies CourseWork on this blog, and use the 'tabs' to navigate around my blog.

The purpose of this unit is firstly to assess my ability to plan and construct media products using appropriate technical and creative skills (A03). Secondly to assess my application of knowledge and understanding in evaluating my own work, showing how meanings and responses are created (A03); and finally to assess your ability to undertake, apply and present appropriate research (A04). The unit requires you to engage with contemporary media technologies, giving you the opportunity for development of skills in these technologies. For my media coursework I have carried out primary and secondary research, primary research being my questionnaire and responses. Secondary research being analysing existing products that were already published and on the market.

To prepare for my coursework we had to complete a Preliminary task. We did this using the Photoshop Software. We had to create a front cover for a college magazine called 'Pulse' using a medium close up and also create a contents page, including features that would attract college students. For our main construction we had to produce a front cover, contents page and double page spread for a magazine, of a genre of our choice, for my magazine I chose to do Pop.

We also need a wide understanding of different technologies such as Digital Photography, Photoshop, Podcasts and how to use computers. We also need a theoretical understanding of print conventions, audience and mode of address, making and meaning through still image, media language, semiotics, layers of interpretation, media and identity, the music industry and the music press, popular culture and representation.

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